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The Cloud Services

What is the Cloud and How It Can Help Your Company

The Cloud was among the most mentioned new thing in 2011. It became the newest IT development and fashion that almost all big companies are joining into this new system. Today, Cloud services solution is offered by most of the major IT companies, but the fact is that not all of us know and understand about this new IT development.


At is very basic level, the Cloud is defined as a collection of computer systems which is shown as one entity even if in different areas. Be informed that what is offered by these big Cloud computing services are  smooth access to a computing platform that make use of many data centres. Amazingly these data centres are always miles apart located in different continents and countries.


The clients usually pay in terms of processor or memory usage for the services. Being not part of a physical host server, these applications runs on virtual machines thus can transfer fast to other hardware or other data centre if problems occur.


One of the benefits of the Cloud is that its services aim at to make the customers increase or decrease fast their use of computer and thus the costs as demanded. Several businesses, especially in the retail sector, have more computing demands at certain period of the year. A company generally have to have lots of computer power in order to meet the demands, and this computer power usually would just be idle for most part of the year.


Clouds can be availed through private supplier over the internet, and through building a private cloud servicing for your company alone. If you have any spare capacity of your clouds, you can sell these to bring in extra revenue for your company. Know the cloud storage benefits here!


Many establishments would use a Cloud service suppliers that they found either over the internet or through a data centre that is under leased-line connection. Because of this, Cloud applications can be accessed by employees and customers from anywhere in the world.  But if there is a disruption of the network, you are prevented to access the applications, unlike if your applications are installed on your pc or local server. You can avoid this situation by either having more than one internet connections, or maintain the fact that the Cloud services usually come from more than one data centre, thus you can use the others if the one you are using will go down. For additional facts and information about cloud storage, you can go to


Note that many companies are falling in line to host your Cloud based applications, but in this case you will need some technical assistance to transfer your existing system to the Cloud.


Your Cloud supplier should give you backups and other standard data centre services as part of your package.